Oct. 2, 2020 – Rollout of the Criminal Digital Disclosure Hub

The Ministry of the Attorney General is rolling out a new cloud-based platform for the secure delivery of digital disclosure.  This system is being rolled out to the Niagara Crown Attorney’s Office, with a target go live date scheduled for October 5, 2020 (Monday next week). 

The Ministry of the Attorney General has been in communication with the Criminal Lawyer’s Association and Legal Aid Ontario about the rollout and implementation of this platform.  While you may have already heard or received information through the CLA or LAO, we are sending this email out to ensure that all local Counsel have received the necessary information in regards to this rollout. 

Attached to this email communication, please find:

1)       Notice to Lawyers and Paralegals – this document provides background information on the development and implementation of the Criminal Digital Disclosure Hub and provides instructions on how to gain access to the system;

2)       Defence/Paralegal Application Form (in French and English) – these are the Registration forms Counsel/ Paralegals will be required to fill out prior to gaining access to the system;

3)       CDD Defence Self Rep Registration Instructions (in English / French translation to follow) – which is the user guide that explains how to register, access and use the system;

4)       Self Represented Accused Application form (in French and English) and the Self Represented Accused (Young Person) Parent / Guardian / Adult Representative Application form (in English / French translation to follow) – these are being provided to you with a request that you would assist in distributing these application forms to Self Represented Accused. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.  Signed Application Forms can be submitted via email to the Crown Attorney’s Office at  VirtualCrownStCatharines@ontario.ca to VirtualCrownWelland@ontario.ca