Jan. 14, 2021 – 8:14 AM – Stay at Home Order/Amendments to O.Reg.82/20 Posting

Some of your members have been asking about the new Stay-at-Home Order.  You can view the full News Release here.   Also, late last the Attorney General’s staff sent me some of the stay at home emergency orders that have been filed and posted to e-laws. They can be accessed here.  These are “source law” so the Ministry of Health regulation that is changing some of the requirements in the stage 1 order is an amending regulation – consolidated law will be updated later, usually in a few days.

And to pre-empt a common question, there will not be a regulation regarding the suspension of limitation periods coming out this week. There are capabilities for e-filing, virtual hearings, etc. that did not exist back in March 2020.

I hope this helps.  Please do forward to your members.


Katie W. Robinette

Executive Director


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