MAG notice regarding civil justice reforms

Good afternoon – earlier today, MAG sent us the following notice to all in the legal profession:

On January 1, 2020, important civil justice reforms will come into effect. The reforms were introduced through:

  1. A regulation filed on October 23, 2019 to increase the Small Claims Court monetary jurisdiction (O. Reg 343-19 amending O. Reg. 626/00 pursuant to the Courts of Justice Act, s.53(1)).
  2. A regulation filed on October 23, 2019 to amend civil court rules relating to Simplified Procedure (O. Reg 344-19 amending the Rules of Civil Procedure pursuant to the Courts of Justice Act).
  3. Bill 100, the Protecting what Matters Most Act (Budget Measures) 2019, which passed on May 29, 2019 (amends s.108 of the Courts of Justice Act by eliminating civil jury trials in Simplified Procedure actions)

Please also note that a regulation filed on October 23, 2019 amends the Rules of the Small Claims Court court forms relating to garnishment proceedings (O. Reg 345-19). The court forms are available on the CSD court forms website.

This information can also be found on FOLA’s website.

Katie W. Robinette

Executive Director